How to Create a Sleep Wardrobe



Sleep Clothes or Night Clothes…as I’ve confessed before, have always been a difficult wardrobe category for me. The thought of investing a lot of money on clothing that I'll never wear in the ‘real world’ always seemed excessive to me. So, instead I didn’t invest any money (or much thought) in what I wore at home. I was envious of movie characters who looked elegant and relaxed in their cozy robes and well-matched pajamas. I always felt like I could do better, but didn't.

The resulting outfits? Combinations of downgraded, demoted regularclothing that took on the role of ‘sleep clothes’.

How did I look? Like I was wearing old, past-it's-prime clothing.
Not very attractive.

How did I feel? Frumpy and dumpy.

Now, please understand that I’ve been helping my clients create beautiful, functional sleepwear collections for years! I was fully aware how much better I'd look and feel if I would just break down and buy some decent pajamas! I was stuck...looking less than fabulous.

I’m proud to say that I’ve finally created a small wardrobe of sleep clothing that I feel great wearing. I now feel ‘put together’ when I’m chilling in the evening and early morning with my family.

In the video below, I'll walk you through how I created a sleep capsule and share what’s currently included in mine.

My advice? Don’t neglect your sleep wardrobe. It’s shocking how much better you'll feel when your pajamas and robe are coordinated, flattering and comfortable.

Thanks so much for reading. If you have any questions about sleep clothes, comment below or email me at
xo Kristen


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